Wichita Falls MPO 2020

External Travel Study

The travel shown here represents trips passing through the study area (external-to-external), trips originating outside the study area with destinations inside the study area (external-to-internal), trips originating inside the study area with destinations outside the study area (internal-to-external), and trips originating and ending within the study area (internal-to-internal).

Various map features and functions can controlled using the mouse buttons (click on map, hold, and drag) and wheel or the Map Toolbox button on the bottom right of the map.

INRIX Raw Flowband

40,00030,00020,00010,000axis title

Study Area:

Base Maps:

(Zoom can also be controlled using the mouse wheel.)

(Map rotation can also be controlled by dragging the map using the right mouse button.)

(Map pitch can also be controlled by dragging the map using the right mouse button.)

(Sliding the map can be controlled by dragging the map using the left mouse button.)